We help survivors become self-sufficient, and provide a safe & supportive community for holistic healing.

Care Package Program

Care Package Program

Our Care Package Program assists SYTT Facebook support group members who have recently escaped abuse with a tailored care package. We have partnered with several businesses to include a variety of items to support them in their journey.

DV Ambassadors Program

DV Ambassadors Program

Our Domestic Violence Ambassadors Program is a scholarship certification program where volunteers are certified in four vital trainings: Mandated Reporting, Suicide Gatekeeping, Trauma-Informed Care, and a 40hr Domestic Violence Advocacy Training.

Holiday Assistance Program

Holiday Assistance Program

Our Holiday Assistance Program assists our SYTT Facebook support group members who have recently escaped abuse with tailored gifts and assistance during the holiday season to support them and their children.

Share Your Truth LIVE

Our Share Your Truth LIVE Podcast invites survivors and expert service providers to join a SYTT staff member or volunteer and share their experience or education surrounding domestic violence and abuse.

Are you looking for a place to safely share your story?